You keep the goods at your facility or ship them to us if you need to free up warehouse space. Via Trading markets the goods and finds one take-all liquidation buyer for the entire lot.
We market the inventory it for a period of 30 to 90 days (time frame will be agreed upon in the initial setup phase) and field take-all offers.
If the excess inventory ships from our warehouse, payment will be sent to you within 48 hours of shipment. If it ships from your facility and the customer is in the continental USA, your payment will be sent within 48 hours of the customer receiving the goods. If the customer is overseas the goods ship from your facility, payment will be sent to you within 48 hours of shipment.
LiquidateNow will receive a commission on the selling price. Commissions rates for Option 1 are from 20% of sales price. Higher commission rates are charged for smaller value or more complex liquidations. Exact commission rate will be specified in the proposal and agreement.

Sample hand-loaded trucks from our facility

Excess Inventory Liquidated with this Option:
Rachel Lym Swimwear Cover Up Lot

- Recovery %1.78%
- Quantity12,577
- Price$2.01
- FOBCooper City, FL
- DurationMultiple
Rachel Lym Swimwear Cover Up Lot
This manufacturer specializes in designing trendy and colorful swimwear and coverups. They are often overstocked with inventory but do not want to compete with their own main channel, so they opt to liquidate the inventory to the secondary market. Via Trading liquidated several lots for this manufacturer and will continue to do so as their needs arise.
Zippearz Earphone & Accessory Lot

- Recovery %10.27%
- Quantity8,000
- Price$2.72
- FOBLos Angeles, CA
- Duration7 Days
Zippearz Earphone & Accessory Lot
This manufacturer needed to clear out older versions of their custom earphones and music player accessories without competing with its own new line of products. The load was sold to one-take all buyer within 7 days of listing.
Home Audio Equipment Load

- Recovery %18.58%
- Quantity951
- Price$33.65
- FOBLos Angeles, CA
- Duration41 Days
Home Audio Equipment Load
This European manufacturer discontinued their sales of these assorted home theatre units in the USA, and used LiquidatedNow to clear the balance of the stock they had left in the country before focusing on their international sales. The full container load was sold to one buyer.
Assorted Fashion Shoe Load

- Recovery %12.75%
- Quantity4,291
- Price$5.94
- FOBShepherdsville, KY
- Duration29 Days
Assorted Fashion Shoe Load
This manufacturer was overstocked with a variety of discount fashion shoes. Via Trading listed the load online FOB the manufacturer’s facility and located a take-all buyer for the load in less than a month.
Assorted Shoes for Men, Women and Teens

- Recovery %13.02%
- Quantity5,374
- Price$5.00
- FOBDoral, FL
- Duration16 Days
Assorted Shoes for Men, Women and Teens
This manufacturer was expecting a shipment of their new designs of shoes and needed to clear out of their old designs prior to the new ones landing. Via Trading found a buyer for approximately 5,400 of new overstock mixed shoes in under a month’s time.
Star Rich Stylish Shoe Lot

- Recovery %7.69%
- Quantity2,817
- Price$5.00
- FOBWest Houston, TX
- Duration41 Days
Star Rich Stylish Shoe Lot
Thi smanufacturer had new overstock of 3,080 pairs of the same shoe style in assorted sizes and colors that he was unable to sell and needed to clear them out of their storage facility. Via Trading sold them to one take all buyer in just under 2 months.
Equinox T4205 Credit Card Terminal

- Quantity4,500
- Price$8.06
- FOBPortland, OR
- Duration72 Days
Equinox T4205 Credit Card Terminal
This distributor exhausted all of their sales channels and found themselves with excess inventory of new overstock credit card terminals. Via Trading located 1 buyer to take several hundred units and another buyer to take the remaining stock of approx. 4,300 units in approx. 90 days time, freeing up valuable storage space in the warehouse for this distributor.
Diadora Athletic Clothing Load

- Quantity11,332
- Price$2.00
- FOBLos Angeles, CA
- Duration3 Days
Diadora Athletic Clothing Load
This manufacturer needed to liquidate the previous seasons items through channels that would not compete with their regular sales and inventory. Via Trading secured a take-all buyer for the load within 7 days of being listed on the site.
Lexmark Printer Lot

- Quantity3,000
- Price$19.50
- FOBLos Angeles, CA
- Duration137 Days
Lexmark Printer Lot
This import company used LiquidateNows services to move excess inventory of refurbished Lexmark printers with incorrect packaging that were not able to be sold through their regular channel. Over 3,000 units were liquidated in just over three months to a single take-all buyer.
Revolve Car Chargers & Backup Mobile Batteries

- Recovery %5.19%
- Quantity9,210
- Price$2.43
- FOBLos Angeles, CA
- DurationMultiple
Revolve Car Chargers & Backup Mobile Batteries
This manufacturer was launching a new line of mobile charging devices for smartphones and needed to clear the previous line of items. The lot was assorted with different items for different smartphone models. Via Trading liquidated the load to one take-all buyer within 11 days of listing date.
Reliacell AA Batteries

- Quantity20,400
- Price$0.30
- FOBTroy, MI
- Duration29 Days
Reliacell AA Batteries
Via Trading liquidated over 20,000 units of AA batteries from Reliacell, a US-based manufacturer of batteries. The load was sold to one take-all buyer within 29 days of listing.
Assorted New T-Shirts

- Quantity109,954
- Price$0.23
- FOBSalt Lake City, UT
- Duration2 Days
Assorted New T-Shirts
This promotional company needed to clear out excess inventory of new, very assorted t-shirts. Via Trading located a take-all buyer for over 109,000 units of t-shirts in just two business days!
Assorted Mopkin Puppets

- Quantity19,546
- Price$0.40
- FOBPiedmont, MO
- Duration17 Days
Assorted Mopkin Puppets
This manufacturer of Mopkin puppets was overstocked with older models that were no longer being sold through their regular channels. They approached LiquidateNow to move the quantity ideally to one buyer. Despite this being a very niche item, Via Trading found a take-all buyer for the load of 19,000+ units in just 17 days!
Assorted Halo 2 Accessory Load

- Quantity7,940
- Price$0.31
- FOBRogers, AR
- Duration2 Days
Assorted Halo 2 Accessory Load
This retailer had purchased a load of HALO 2 video game accessories that he was not able to sell through his regular retail channels. After sitting on the merchandise for some time, he contacted LiquidateNow to have the product moved quickly. Via Trading found a take-all buyer for the whole lot two days after the goods were listed online.
Mad Style Handbags

- Recovery %6.24%
- Quantity15,633
- Price$2.95
- FOBGrantsville, MD
- DurationMultiple
Mad Style Handbags
This manufacturer needed to clear its excess handbag inventory to make room for the new seasons styles, without competing with its existing sales channels. Via Trading liquidates this company’s excess stock regularly.
Mad Style Apparel Load

- Recovery %5.52%
- Quantity10,851
- Price$2.00
- FOBGrantsville, MD
- Duration75 Days
Mad Style Apparel Load
This manufacturer needed to clear its excess clothing inventory to make room for the new seasons styles, without competing with its existing sales channels. Via Trading liquidated the inventory to one take-all buyer within 75 days of listing.
Rycore Men’s Sneakers Lot

- Recovery %15.09%
- Quantity4,330
- Price$6.79
- FOBWhitestone, NY
- Duration25 Days
Rycore Men’s Sneakers Lot
The wholesaler in question wanted to focus on its new line of products and used LiquidateNow to move over 8,000 pairs of assorted Rycore branded sneakers for men. Via Trading located one single buyer to take the whole deal.
Rycore Men’s Sneakers Lot

- Recovery %14.14%
- Quantity8,350
- Price$7.70
- FOBWhitestone, NY
- Duration31 Days
Rycore Men’s Sneakers Lot
The wholesaler in question wanted to focus on its new line of products and used LiquidateNow to move over 8,000 pairs of assorted Rycore branded sneakers for men. Via Trading located one single buyer to take the whole deal.
Contemporary Furniture Load

- Recovery %17.84%
- Quantity403
- Price$99.26
- FOBLong Beach, CA
- Duration23 Days
Contemporary Furniture Load
This manufacturer used LiquidateNow to clear excess and imperfect inventory that had been sitting and taking up valuable warehouse space. Via Trading liquidated 2 full truckloads of contemporary home furniture in just 13 days to 1 take-all buyer.
High End Organic Kids’ Clothing

- Recovery %13.91%
- Quantity6,312
- Price$1.95
- FOBFremont, CA
- Duration120 Days
High End Organic Kids’ Clothing
This US-based manufacturer of organic cotton kids’ clothing including tops, pants and onesies, used LiquidateNow to clear our older stock that had not sold through their regular distribution channels, to make room for next season’s product line. Via Trading moved the full lot to 1 wholesale buyer.