Getting Started is Easy!

Via Trading is one of the nation’s leading liquidation companies with over 12 years in the industry, having liquidated well over a billion dollars worth of merchandise across dozens of product categories. Most of the items marketed and sold are typically done so well below the actual original production cost of the goods.
In general, LiquidateNow is more suited to vendors or businesses who are sitting on excess merchandise that they have tried to clear using their own channels and resources but can no longer sell and are ready to liquidate. Other reasons to use LiquidateNow would include the need to liquidate discretely and manage channel conflict.
Typical recoveries are always below cost and are at lower then FOB China rates for equivalent items.
Though LiquidateNow is suitable for the majority of product liquidations, at times due to the information available, the location of the goods or the quantity of goods to be liquidated, LiquidateNow may not be a good fit.
In general, our ability to evaluate and provide you with a proposal will be based on:
- Type of merchandise
- Condition of merchandise
- Location of merchandise
- Quantity of merchandise
- Information available to the lot
- Your specific needs/situation & reason for liquidating
4 Ways to Liquidate & Sell Excess Inventory:
Ship us the goods or keep them at your location
We market the load and find one take-all buyer
Receive payment once the load is sold and delivered*
Ship us the goods or keep them at your location
We split the inventory into even, more affordable lots
We market the lots and find several buyers to take a significant portion each
Receive payment once each load is sold and delivered*
Ship us the goods to the Via Trading facility
We process and repack the inventory into small, affordable lots
We market & sell them in small quantities to hundreds of buyers until sold out
Receive payments every week for lots sold

Lots are auctioned live with no reserve bidding (no guaranteed recovery)
Fastest way to move product in any condition!
Receive payment once auction sales are paid in full
No matter the liquidation option used to liquidate your inventory, your products will benefit from the same widespread exposure and will be marketed in the following ways: